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Home - Ahmad Shadeed Ahmad Shadeed , Design Engineer Home Articles Work Services About Speaking Contact Speaking at Web Directions Summit in Sydney, Australia. Photo by @bramus I design and build web and mobile experiences and teach people about them. 👋 Hello! I'm Ahmad, a designer and frontend developer that enjoys being at the intersection of design and code. I work with businesses to design and build beautiful websites and apps with a focus on responsive design, layouts, modern CSS, and bug-free user interfaces. husband, father, designer, developer, bug hunter, author, CSS magician, barista and educator.I wear many hats. I'm a Alma (3 yrs old) made the drawing around my head. ♥️Recent articlesView all articles CSS display contents Sep 5, 2024 CSS Grid Areas Jul 20, 2024 CSS Cap Unit Jun 5, 2024 The Gap May 31, 2024 Handling The Indentation of a Treeview Component Apr 30, 2024 An Interactive Guide to CSS Container Queries Apr 2, 2024 Work I do design and build web and mobile experiences with a focus on the user needs. Explore my work Tuhoon Better mental health for Arabic speakers. Accounting app UX design for a complex accounting app. I wrote a book on Debugging CSS Buy my book Debugging CSS isn’t only about adding an outline to all elements. * { outline: solid 1px red; } I wrote a book that will help you improve your debugging CSS skills and reduce the time you spend on bugs by showing proven methods and techniques. Debugging CSS book testimonials ♥️ Awesome people said awesome things about the book John Allsopp Web Directions CSS is sadly an increasingly undervalued tool for front end developers, in no small part because developers find debugging CSS challenging. Yet, until now there's been little in depth published on debugging CSS. Ahmad Shadeed's book is long overdue, and I can't recommend it highly enough for any front end developer. Chris Coyier CodePen, former CSS Tricks Browser DevTools help us a ton these days in debugging CSS, but there isn’t exactly a step-by-step guide about it that I know of. This book leans into that, showing off how to debug really practical and understandable CSS issues with the help of DevTools when appropriate. I help the community with Web contributions Defensive CSS It's a term I coined that is about writing future-proof CSS to reduce broken UIs. RTL Styling 101 The most detailed guide on writing CSS for RTL layouts on the internet. iShadeed Lab A corner where I share my cutting-edge CSS experiments. Headers CSS The blueprint HTML and CSS for 17+ website headers. Join my mailing list Join over 2740 subscribers and learn my work, thoughts, and links I like around the web. I will share content that: Clear and explain the point without too much words. Contains at least one figure or clear example. Make you learn something new, or at least to remind you of it. Rest assure that you will receive top notch quality content recommendations. Your email That’s the end of Ahmad Shadeed’s website. Home Articles Work Services About Speaking Contact Find me online X Matsodon Codepen Github Threads Instagram RSS feed 👋 Come and say hello [email protected] & Let's grab a coffee
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