www.5starstudents.com - Privacy Policy | 5-Star Students

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Privacy Policy | 5-Star Students Products Features Activities Events Hall Passes Interventions Behaviors Surveys & Voting Rewards Health Checks Emergency Check In Student App School Web Page Online Store Reports & Data Analysis Groups & Classes Manager App Student App Services Training Diamond School Pricing Contact Schedule Demo Sign In Privacy Policy At 5-Star Students, LLC (referred to as “5-Star Students”, "Company," "us" or "we"), we recognize that privacy is tremendously important to online visitors of our website (“Website Visitors”), to.schools or organizations who register for our Service (“Schools”), and to students whose information we may store on behalf of a School (“Students”). This privacy policy applies to our website 5starstudents.com and to the 5-Star Students platform (our “Service”) and describes the steps we take to protect your data. How we Collect and use Data How We Share Your Information How We Store and Protect Your Information Your Choices About Your Information Children's Privacy How to Contact Us Changes to Our Privacy Policy We strive to be transparent in our data collection and use practices. This is the type of personal information we may collect. HOW WE COLLECT AND USE DATA We collect the following types of information: Information about Schools: We ask for certain information when a School representative registers a School with 5-Star Students, or if the representative corresponds with us online, including a name, school name, school address, email address and/or account name and password, phone number, and message content. We may also retain information provided by a School if the School sends us a message, posts content to our website or through our Service, or responds to emails or surveys. Once a School begins using the 5-Star Students Service, we will keep records of activities related to the Service. We use this information to operate, maintain, and provide to the features and functionality of the Service, to analyze our Service offerings and functionality, and to communicate with our Schools and Website Visitors. Student Data: 5-Star Students may have access to personally identifiable information about students (“Student Data”) in the course of providing its services to a School. We consider Student Data to be confidential and do not use such data for any purpose other than to provide the services on the School’s behalf. We receive Student Data only from the School’s use of the Service and never interact with the Student directly. In some instances, a School may allow a limited number of Students to log into the Service to assist with data collection activities. In that instance, the School provides each student with login credentials and confirms that it has obtained appropriate parental consents, as needed, before the student is permitted to access the Service. The School is encouraged to use security options provided by the Service to restrict access to other Student’s personally identifiable information, by registered Student users. 5-Star Students has access to Student Data only as requested by the School and only for the purposes of performing support Services on the School’s behalf. If you are a Student or parent, please contact your School if you have questions about the School’s use of technology service providers like 5-Star Students. If a Student contacts us with a question about our Service, we will collect personal information from that Student only as necessary to respond to the Student’s request and direct the Student to contact the Student’s School, and we will then delete or anonymize the personal data of the Student after providing our response. 5-Star Students does not perform “data mining” activities as it pertains to the analysis and aggregation of Student Data for the purposes of sharing or selling to third parties. We only perform data analysis and ag

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