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The ultimate collection of Vue courses. Start with the essentials and scale your skills to mastery. Courses cover: Single File Components, Vite, Vue Router, Pinia, Nuxt, TypeScript, Unit Testing, GraphQL, Firebase, Animations, PWAs, Composables + more.
Example Site Content
Learn Vue.js with expert courses | Start with free tutorials Get a year access to Vue Mastery with 40% off Vue MasteryCoursesLearning PathsBlogConferencesPricingSearchLatest Vue 3 Nuxt AuthenticationLearn the essential patterns of SSR authentication for Nuxt.js apps through practical hands-on lessons. 34 minintermediateAndy Li Vue 3 Nuxt API RoutesLearn how to use Nuxt API routes to handle server-side logic directly within your Nuxt application. 27 minintermediateAndy Li Vue 3 Rendering RevealedGain clarity on Vue + Nuxt app rendering modes and the best fit for your project's needs, performance demands, and user experience. 18 minintermediateAdam Jahr Vue 3 Real World NuxtGain experience building a practical Nuxt app in this course that covers rendering for performance. 48 minintermediateAndy Li Vue 3 Pro Nuxt WorkflowThe Nuxt ecosystem is full of tools to boost your productivity. Level up your workflow by learning how take advantage of them. 35 minintermediateDavid Nwadiogbu Vue 3 Composition API Build a Trello Clone w/ Nuxt 3Sharpen your Nuxt 3 skills by building a Trello clone alongside a core team member.2 hr 12 minadvancedBen Hong Easy Interfaces with VuetifyCreate quick and beautiful user interfaces with the popular Vuetify UI component library. 51 minintermediateDavid Nwadiogbu Composition API Programming an AI-Powered AppFuture-proof your skills by harnessing the power of AI by building a Vue app powered by multiple popular AI APIs. 51 minadvancedSandra Rodgers Q&A with Evan YouGet an exclusive glimpse into the mind of the creator of Vue. 36 minbeginnerEvan You Vue 3 Composition API Touring Vue Router (Composition API)Explore how Vue Router gives your Vue 3 app the navigation features it needs to scale. 59 minbeginnerGregg PollackComing Soon In Production Vue 3 Vapor Mode w/ Evan YouVapor mode is Vue's brand new compilation strategy that will enhance your apps' performance. Learn how it works and how to maximize its power with Vue Creator Evan You.Evan YouMastering Vue 3Advance your abilities using Vue 3 Vue 3 Composition API Vue 3 Composition APILearn Vue 3's new Composition API, an alternative way to compose components for scalable Vue applications. 43 minintermediateGregg Pollack Vue 3 Composition API From Vue 2 to Vue 3Bring yourself up to speed on new features and breaking changes when migrating from Vue 2 to Vue 3 51 minintermediateMarina Mosti Vue 3 Vue 3 Deep Dive with Evan YouUnderstand Vue 3 from the inside out through the perspective of the creator himself, Evan You.3 hr 7 minadvancedEvan You Vue 3 Vue 3 ReactivityThe way Vue 3 does reactivity is entirely different from Vue 2. Learn how it works under the hood throughout this advanced course.1 hr 1 minadvancedGregg Pollack Vue 3 Composition API TypeScript Friendly Vue 3Get a better developer experience when using TypeScript in your Vue 3 apps by leveraging the script setup syntax. 24 minintermediateAndy Li Vue 3 Unit Testing Vue 3Learn about the benefits of unit testing, and what you should and shouldn't be testing in your Vue apps. 43 minbeginnerAdam Jahr Vue 3 Composition API Firebase with Vue 3 and VueFireLearn the foundations of using Firebase for the back end of your Vue apps.1 hr 52 minintermediateBen HongVue 2Vue 3Beginner - Vue 3Learn the fundamentals of Vue, with Vue 3 or Vue 2. Vue 3 Intro to Vue 3Learn the fundamentals of Vue 3 in this course that starts with the very basics. 57 minbeginnerAdam Jahr Vue 3 Composition API Real World Vue 3 (Composition API)Learn the fundamentals of building a production-level single page application with Vue 3.1 hr 3 minbeginnerAdam Jahr Vue 3 Options API Real World Vue 3 (Options API)Learn the fundamentals of building a production-level single page application with Vue 3.1 hr 8 minbeginnerAdam Jahr Vue 3 Composition API Touring Vue Router (Composition API)Explore how Vue Router gives your Vue 3 app the navigation features it needs to scale. 59 minbeginnerGregg Pollack Vue 3 Options API Touring Vue Router (Options API)Explore how Vue Router gives your Vue 3 app the navigation features it needs to scale.1 hr 21 minbeginnerGregg Pollack Vue 3 Composition API Pinia FundamentalsLearn the fundamentals of Pinia, Vue's new state management library, by building a simple Todo List App. 18 minbeginnerSandra Rodgers Vuex 4 Vuex FundamentalsLearn how state management with Vuex can handle your app's data needs. 44 minbeginnerAdam Jahr Vue 3 Unit Testing Vue 3Learn about the benefits of unit testing, and what you should and shouldn't be testing in your Vue apps. 43 minbeginnerAdam Jahr
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