www.yelpfoundation.org - Yelp Foundation
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The Yelp Foundation's mission is to support charitable organizations and activities addressing the needs of local communities, including access to information, education, local economic development, and freedom of expression, and to promote a culture of philanthropy among employees of Yelp Inc.
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Yelp Foundation Work for or represent a 501(c)3 and want to learn about upcoming grant opportunities from the Yelp Foundation? Please submit the following information and we will notify you when we launch grant contests! First Name * Last Name * Position/Title Name of organization (501c3) * Geographical market served by the 501(c)3 Email * * required Cancel THANK YOU Thank you, your submission has been received. The Yelp Foundation's mission is to support charitable organizations and activities addressing the needs of local communities, including access to information, education, local economic development, and freedom of expression, and to promote a culture of philanthropy among employees of Yelp Inc. home mission news testimonials community events contact MISSION About the Yelp Foundation In 2011 Yelp Inc. established the Yelp Foundation with one percent of company equity to support charitable organizations and activities addressing the needs of local communities, including access to information, education, local economic development, and freedom of expression, and to promote a culture of philanthropy among employees of Yelp Inc. The Foundation accomplishes its charitable goals by making grants to deserving nonprofits throughout the U.S. and matching donations made to charities by Yelp employees up to $1,000 per person per year. The Foundation has given more than $5 million to charity since it was founded in 2011. By funding the Foundation through a gift of Yelp stock, the impact of the Foundation’s endowment continues to multiply. While it started small, the Foundation now has millions of dollars in assets, which allows it to make substantial grants each year that can create significant impact on local issues. Follow the Yelp Foundation on social media with #YelpFoundation. Members of the board Miriam Warren(Chairperson) Jeremy Stoppelman Jed Nachman NEWS • 2022 Yelp Foundation year in review • 2021 Yelp Foundation year in review • Yelp Foundati
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