- ALLSKY EVENT 20240731_222139

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ALLSKY EVENT 20240731_222139 This is my modal! ×   Event Summary Event ID : 20240731_222139 Start Time: Stations: AMS213, AMS36, AMS66, AMS67, AMS76 Status 2D: Failed with 0 Intersections 3D Planes : Passed with 106 planes WMPL Solve Status: Observations AMS213 2024_07_31_22_21_00_000_012134-trim-0914.mp4 AMS36 2024_07_31_22_21_01_000_010077-trim-0930.mp4 AMS66 2024_07_31_22_21_01_000_010661-trim-0894.mp4 AMS67 2024_07_31_22_21_01_000_010671-trim-0904.mp4 AMS76 2024_07_31_22_21_01_000_010760-trim-0925.mp4 AMS76 2024_07_31_22_21_01_000_010761-trim-0900.mp4   TrajectoryKML DownloadOrbitFull ScreenPlots  WMPL ReportInput measurement type: Azimuth +east of due north for meas1, Elevation angle above the horizon for meas2 Reference JD: 2460523.431687499862 Time: 2024-07-31 22:21:37.799988 UTC Plane intersections ------------------- Intersection 1 - Stations: AMS213-012134 and AMS36-010077 Convergence angle = 24.48416 deg R.A. = 306.36539 Dec = -3.87904 deg Intersection 2 - Stations: AMS213-012134 and AMS66-010661 Convergence angle = 31.43230 deg R.A. = 309.67985 Dec = -4.58391 deg Intersection 3 - Stations: AMS213-012134 and AMS67-010671 Convergence angle = 38.62733 deg R.A. = 308.48997 Dec = -4.33265 deg Intersection 4 - Stations: AMS213-012134 and AMS76-010760 Convergence angle = 73.89304 deg R.A. = 306.85974 Dec = -3.98513 deg Intersection 5 - Stations: AMS213-012134 and AMS76-010761 Convergence angle = 73.78160 deg R.A. = 307.19464 Dec = -4.05682 deg Intersection 6 - Stations: AMS36-010077 and AMS66-010661 Convergence angle = 55.89045 deg R.A. = 308.07962 Dec = -5.14709 deg Intersection 7 - Stations: AMS36-010077 and AMS67-010671 Convergence angle = 63.09961 deg R.A. = 307.58666 Dec = -4.78332 deg Intersection 8 - Stations: AMS36-010077 and AMS76-010760 Convergence angle = 81.62370 deg R.A. = 306.75952 Dec = -4.17132 deg Intersection 9 - Stations: AMS36-010077 and AMS76-010761 Convergence angle = 81.73675 deg R.A. = 307.02606 Dec = -4.36875 deg Intersection 10 - Stations: AMS66-010661 and AMS67-010671 Convergence angle = 7.22831 deg R.A. = 303.96299 Dec = -6.57174 deg Intersection 11 - Stations: AMS66-010661 and AMS76-010760 Convergence angle = 42.51424 deg R.A. = 305.80494 Dec = -5.93892 deg Intersection 12 - Stations: AMS66-010661 and AMS76-010761 Convergence angle = 42.39092 deg R.A. = 306.26052 Dec = -5.78121 deg Intersection 13 - Stations: AMS67-010671 and AMS76-010760 Convergence angle = 35.29075 deg R.A. = 306.00601 Dec = -5.56754 deg Intersection 14 - Stations: AMS67-010671 and AMS76-010761 Convergence angle = 35.17012 deg R.A. = 306.51264 Dec = -5.31683 deg Intersection 15 - Stations: AMS76-010760 and AMS76-010761 Convergence angle = 0.34658 deg R.A. = 247.34209 Dec = -58.69586 deg Best intersection: Stations AMS36-010077 and AMS76-010761 with Qconv = 81.74 deg Least squares solution ---------------------- State vector (ECI, epoch of date): X = 1622224.95 m Y = -3692205.00 m Z = 5066404.59 m Vx = 14759.97 m/s Vy = -20267.03 m/s Vz = -2104.37 m/s Timing offsets (from input data): AMS213-012134: -0.038813 s AMS36-010077: -0.149059 s AMS66-010661: 0.040112 s AMS67-010671: -0.266955 s AMS76-010760: -0.475719 s AMS76-010761: 0.000000 s Reference point on the trajectory: Time: 2024-07-31 22:21:37.799988 UTC Lat = 51.664357 deg Lon = 8.283708 deg Ht = 110458.69 m Lat geo = 51.480170 deg JD dynamic = 2460523.432488240767 LST apparent = 293.7189966382 deg Radiant (apparent in ECI which includes Earth's rotation, epoch of date): R.A. = 306.06492 deg Dec = -4.79774 deg Azimuth = 165.35678 deg Elevation = +32.56083 deg Vavg = 22.28897 km/s Vinit = 25.16024 km/s Vstddev = 0.00260 km/s (direct fit) Radiant (apparent ground-fixed, epoch of date): R.A. = 306.71976 deg Dec = -4.78548 deg Azimuth = 164.59074 deg Elevation = +32.46762

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