www.omanobserver.om - Perseid meteor shower to peak on Monday evening in Oman - Oman Observer

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Perseid meteor shower to peak on Monday evening in Oman

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Muscat - The Oman Astronomical Society (OAS) has said that the skies of the Sultanate of Oman are currently witnessing the Perseid meteor shower,...

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Perseid meteor shower to peak on Monday evening in Oman - Oman Observer Wednesday, September 18, 2024 | Rabi' al-awwal 14, 1446 H few clouds OMAN 31°C / 31°C EDITOR IN CHIEF- ABDULLAH BIN SALIM AL SHUEILI LOGIN | SUBSCRIBE Log in /Sign up With Facebook With Google OR With Email By creating an account, you agree to our Term of Service and acknowledge our Privacy Policy LOGIN SUBSCRIBE Home OMAN BUSINESS FEATURES SPORTS WORLD OPINION SCITECH VIDEOS PODCAST E-PAPER MAGAZINE CLASSIFIEDS

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