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Celebrity and Influencer in a Fan Economy: Unfolding the Fans' Roles in Enhancing Endorsement Effects: Kineta Hung: Book Chapters
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IRMA-International.org: Celebrity and Influencer in a Fan Economy: Unfolding the Fans' Roles in Enhancing Endorsement Effects: Kineta Hung: Book Chapters Information Resources Management Association Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations Search IRMA Research Research IRM Open Access IRMA Journals IRM Books Proceedings Membership The IRMA Community Calls for Papers Online Symposium Newsletters Research IRM Click a keyword to search titles using our InfoSci-OnDemand powered search: Electronic Commerce Library Science Computer Science Information Systems Social Science Public Administration Environmental IS Business Management Education Healthcare Celebrity and Influencer in a Fan Economy: Unfolding the Fans' Roles in Enhancing Endorsement Effects View Sample PDF Author(s): Kineta Hung (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong) Copyright: 2020 Pages: 18 Source title: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Media Fandom Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Robert Andrew Dunn (East Tennessee State University, USA) DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3323-9.ch018 Keywords: Culture & Population Studies / Information Science Reference / Social Sciences & Humanities / Sociology PurchaseView Celebrity and Influencer in a Fan Economy: Unfolding the Fans' Roles in Enhancing Endorsement Effects on the publisher's website for pricing and purchasing information. Abstract Celebrity endorsement (CE) constitutes a popular marketing strategy. A large body of research and practices recognize the salience of celebrity traits such as credibility and attractiveness in enhancing endorsement effectiveness. According to these approaches, celebrity fans are at the receiving end of the marketing strat
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