www.euspa.europa.eu - EUSPA takes over the latest Galileo satellites in Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP), after their successful injection into orbit | EU Agency for the Space Programme
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Galileo satellites Landing and Orbit Phase LEOP Launch.
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EUSPA is overseeing the crucial Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP) following the latest launch of two new Galileo satellites earlier today.
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EUSPA takes over the latest Galileo satellites in Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP), after their successful injection into orbit | EU Agency for the Space Programme Skip to main content EU Agency for the Space Programme Linking space to user needs Search Main navigation The EU Space Programme The EU Space Programme Copernicus Copernicus What is Earth Observation? Services EGNOS EGNOS What is SBAS? Services FAQs Galileo Galileo What is GNSS Services European GNSS Service Centre Galileo Reference Centre Galileo Security Monitoring Centre Evolution FAQs Secure SATCOM Secure SATCOM What is Secure SATCOM? GOVSATCOM IRIS² SSA SSA What is SSA? EU SST FAQs EU Space and security EU Space and security Operational security EU Space ISAC EU Space market and users EU Space market and users GNSS and EO market report Secure SATCOM Market and User Technology Report User Consultation Platform Opportunities Opportunities Careers Careers Temporary and Contract Agents Seconded National Experts Trainees What we offer Working at EUSPA Careers FAQs Closed vacancies
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