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Professional website of of Cath Macaulay - UX/UI and visual design and management

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Welcome to - the website of a visual designer About me Case studies Digital calendar UX Corporate rebranding Responsive email design Iconography design UI design system Contact Hello I’m a User Experience, Visual and Interface Designer with 10 years experience in financial services and e-commerce. UX Design Visual Design UI Design Projects I'm most proud of   RateSetter's ISA marketing campaign RateSetter required a bold and original advertising campaign to inspire inexperienced investors. By promoting their ISA product as accessible for all, RateSetter hoped to gain a greater share of the market. View project Rethinking RateSetter’s site navigation A user should never feel the need to remember their way around a website, which is why my team and I were challenged to create a new, more intuitive navigation system for RateSetter. View project Designing a UI style guide for RateSetter A style guide was required to catalogue the range of digital assets for RateSetter. I created UI components, typography and visual assets based on the bold style of the rebranded website. View project Companies I've worked with Get in touch Download CV © 2020. All rights reserved.   

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