fakerapi.it - Faker API

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Faker API is a service that generates fake data for testing and development. Easy to use, flexible, and absolutely free, ideal for developers and QA.

Example Site Content

Faker API Faker API - Mock data generator Docs Test Changelogs Fake data Download Mock data for testing purposes Faker API is a collection of APIs that helps generate content in JSON format. This is the original Faker API website. It's Free. Forever. What is Faker API? Faker API is a collection of completely free APIs that help web developers and web designers generate mock data quickly and easily. No registration is required. No tokens, no authentication. It's a free-to-use tool made by developers for developers. Docs Every resource allows to choose the API language by the "_locale" parameter and also allows to select the number of rows requested by the "_quantity" parameter.Max 1000 rows. Base URL # https://fakerapi.it/api/{version} Version: 2 (latest) Basic usage # Some resources allow to filter data by GET parameters. The names of these parameters are always preceded by an underscore character "_", for example: https://fakerapi.it/api/{version}/{resource} Data are always wrapped inside a "data" object and are always returned with the total number of rows ("total") and with the Http response "code". Every resource accepts 3 common GET parameters: _locale (string) - The language of the data returned. _quantity (integer) - The number of rows requested. _seed (integer) - A seed for the random generator. _locale # Default: en_US This parameter means the language of the API response we want to get and accept the locale format "en_EN". For example: https://fakerapi.it/api/{version}/persons?_locale=fr_FR This example returns people with french names. Here's a list of available locales: ar_EG ar_JO ar_SA at_AT bg_BG bn_BD cs_CZ da_DK de_AT de_CH de_DE el_CY el_GR en_AU en_CA en_GB en_HK en_IN en_NG en_NZ en_P

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