- SourceAI | AI-Powered Code Generator
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SourceAI is an AI-powered tool that can generate code in any programming language from any human language description. It can also simplify, find errors and fix them and debug your code.
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SourceAI | AI-Powered Code Generator Skip to main contentSourceAIDocumentationAbout UsContactFAQ🌑💡SourceAIDocumentationAbout UsContactFAQSourceAIAI-Powered Code GeneratorDemoRequest AccessGenerate code in any programming language.EasyOpen to all (even for non-developers)Straightforward and simple to useClear and intuitive interfaceFastSave time in developmentGenerate your code in one-clickUse your time more efficientlyAI-PoweredPowered by GPT-3 and CodexThe most advanced AI technologyNext-generation developmentRequest AccessExampleUser's input [Request in Python]Calculate the factorial of a number given by the userGenerated code [Answer]import math print("Enter a number: ")num = int(input())factorial_number = 1 for i in range(1, num + 1): factorial_number *= iprint(factorial_number)Sometimes SourceAI will have trouble understanding what you want, so you'll have to explain it in more detail.User's input [Request in Python]Calculate the factorial of a number given by the user.The factorial of a number is the product of all the integers from1 to that number. For example, the factorial of 6 is 1*2*3*4*5*6 = 720Factorial is not defined for negative numbers, and the factorial ofzero is one, 0!Generated code [Answer]import math print("Enter a number: ")num = int(input())factorial_number = 1 for i in range(1, num + 1): factorial_number *= iprint(factorial_number)ExampleSourceAIIntroductionAbout UsContact[email protected][email protected]PolicyTerms Of UsePrivacy PolicyPowered by GPT-3 & CodexAbout OpenAISourceAI Dev. © 2023 All Rights Reserved.
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