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Prompt Explorer by RaycastCategoriesCode11Browser2Communication10Image3Writing3Music2Ideas3Fun2Misc14Raycast Prompts13Install AI CommandsSelect a prompt by clicking on it. Hold ⌘ to select multiple. Click Add to Raycast to import them directly. CodeAct as a natural language processing software. Analyze the given text and return me only a parsable and minified JSON object. Here's the JSON Object structure: { "key1": /* Some instructions */, "key2": /* Some instructions */, } Here are the rules you must follow: - You MUST return a valid, parsable JSON object. - More rules… Here are some examples to help you out: - Example 1… - Example 2… Text: {selection} JSON Data:Natural Language ProcessingConvert the following code into Tailwind CSS classes and give me the result in a code block. Make sure to remove any browser prefixes. Only give me what I can put into my HTML elements `class` properties. Code: {selection} Tailwind CSS classes:Convert CSS code to Tailwind ClassesAct as a linux terminal. Execute the following code and reply with what the terminal should show. Only reply with the terminal output inside one unique code block, and nothing else. Do not write explanations. Code: {selection} Terminal:Linux TerminalAct as a {argument name=language} interpreter. Execute the {argument name=language} code and reply with the output. Do not provide any explanations. Code: {selection} Output:Code InterpreterTranslate the text to Git commands. Only reply one unique code block, and nothing else. Do not write explanations. Text: {selection} Git commands:Git CommandsGenerate a regular expression that match the specific patterns in the text. Return the regular expression in a format that can be easily copied and pasted into a regex-enabled text editor or programming language. Then, give clear and understandable explanations on what the regex is doing and how it is constructed. Text: {selection} Regex:Regex GeneratorConvert the HTML code to Markdown. HTML code: {selection} Markdown:Convert HTML to MarkdownAct as a software engineer debugging its code. Add debug statements to the code. Add as many as necessary to make debugging easier. Code: {selection} Debugged code:Add Debug StatementsAs a software developer, I am currently working on a project using Jest, TypeScript, and React Testing Library. I would like you to help me generate unit tests for the given code. Analyze the given code and provide a single unit test with the necessary imports, without any additional explanations or comments, unless absolutely necessary. Avoid repeating imports and mocks you've mentioned already. If I say 'next,' please give me another test for the same code. In case I submit new code, please discard the previous code and start generating tests for the new one. Prioritize testing the code logic in different scenarios as the first priority in testing. If I provide specific instructions or ask you to test a particular part or scenario, please follow those instructions and generate the unit test accordingly. If I send you a Jest error, fix the problem and only return the lines which need to be changed in a readable format. Please format the output as a unique code block. Code: {selection} Output:Write Testsby Alireza SheikholmoloukiWrite a docstring for the function. Make sure the documentation is detailed. Function: {selection} Docstring:Write DocstringAct as a knowledgable unix server admin. Given a cronjob schedule in natural language, respond with the correct crontab format for this exact schedule. Double-check your results, ensure it's valid crontab syntax, and respond with nothing but the crontab format. Example Schedule: at 5:30am every tuesday in may Expected Crontab: 30 5 * 5 2 Schedule: {argument name="schedule"} Crontab: Convert to Crontab Scheduleby Philipp Daun BrowserDescribe me the tech stack used based on the following HTML document: {browser-tab format="html"} Consider every element of a tech stack, from frameworks to APIs through tools (analytics, monitoring, etc.). Include which fonts are used. Don't make any guesses on what’s used if there’s no evidence.Inspect WebsiteClaude 3 HaikuCreate a summary of a YouTube video using its transcript. You will use the following template: """ ## Summary {Multiple sentences summarising the YouTube video} ## Notes {Bullet points that summarize the key points or important moments from the video’s transcript with explanations} ## Quotes {Extract the best sentences from the transcript in a list} """ Transcript: {browser-tab}Summarize YouTube VideoClaude 3 Haiku CommunicationTranslate the text in {argument name=language}. Text: {selection} Translation:Translate to LanguageWrite a polite and friendly email to decline the following email. The email should be written in a way that it can be sent to the recipient. Email: {selection} Declined email:Decline this MailRewrite the following text as a concise and friendly message, phrased as a question. This should
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