- Snippet Explorer by Raycast

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Site Description

Snippet Explorer is a tool to easily browse and import Snippets directly to Raycast.

Example Site Content

Snippet Explorer by RaycastCategoriesSymbols47Arrows14Unicode13Date & Time8Miscellaneous8Spelling6Currency13Coding15Feedback3GitHub6Install SnippetsSelect a Snippet by clicking on it. Hold ⌘ to select multiple. Click Add to Raycast to import them directly. Symbols⌘Command!cmd⇪Caps Lock!caps⇧Shift!shift⌥Option!opt⌃Control!ctrl⌫Backspace!backspace⎋Escape!esc⇥Tab!tab⏎Return!returnApple!apple·Middle Dot!dot●Circle!circle★Star Filled!star-filled☆Star Outline!star-outline✦Sparkle!sparkle❖Diamond!diamond※Reference Mark!reference-mark⁂Asterism!asterism⁖Three Dot Punctuation!three-dots⁘Four Dot Punctuation!four-dots⁙Five Dot Punctuation!five-dots⁜Dotted Cross!dotted-cross☀Sun!sun×Multiplication!x÷Division!division±Plus Minus!+-½One Half!1/2⅓One Third!1/3¼One Quarter!1/4¾Three Quarters!3/4⅚Five Sixths!5/6⅟One Fraction!1/⅞Seven Eighths!7/8⅛One Eighth!1/8⅝Five Eighths!5/8⅜Three Eighths!3/8∞Infinity!infinity®Registered!registered©Copyright!copyright℗Published!published™Trademark!tm№Numero Sign!numero-sign℃Celsius!celsius℉Fahrenheit!fahrenheit✓Check!check…Horizontal Ellipsis!horizontal-ellipsis▲Triangle!triangle Arrows←Arrow Left!left↑Arrow Up!up→Arrow Right!right↓Arrow Down!down↖Arrow Up Left!upleft↗︎Arrow Up Right!upright↙Arrow Down Left!downleft↘Arrow Down Right!downright⟶Arrow Long Right!longright⟵Arrow Long Left!longleft↩Arrow Left Hook!lefthook↪Arrow Right Hook!righthook↺Undo!undo↻Redo!redo Unicode¯\_(ツ)_/¯Shrug!shrugʘ‿ʘHappy With It Unicode!happy•‿•Cute Unicode!cuteಥ‿ಥTears Of Joy Unicode!tears-of-joy◕‿↼Wink Unicode!wink(-■_■)Glasses of Disapproval Unicode!glasses-disapprovalヽ(。_°)ノMeh Unicode!meh(ಠ_ಠ)Serious Lookg Unicode!serious-look(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻Flipping Table Unicode!flipping-table┳━┳ ヽ(ಠل͜ಠ)ノPutting Table Back Unicode!putting-table(^._.^)ノAngry Cat Unicode!angry-cat( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Lenny Unicode!lenny⌐◨-◨Noggles!noggles Date & TimeThe date is {date}.Current Date!dateThe current time is {time}.Current Time!timeThe current date and time is {datetime}.Current Date and Time!datetimeToday is {day}.Weekday!day1 year from today will be {day +1y}.1 Year from Today!nextyear4 days from today will be {day +4d}.4 Days from Today!day+4This week number is {date "w"}.Week Number!wnNext week number is {date +7d "w"}.Next Week Number!nwk [email protected] Address!email123 Quebec Road, Montreal, QC, H3A 2B2Address!addressNL88INGB7356737620IBAN!ibanGB 943182327VAT Number!vat0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000Crypto Wallet Address!wa Invite Link!cal Link!tgGood morning ✨ *Last week:* - {cursor} *Didn't do:* - *This week:* - *Blockers:* - *Highlights:* - Weekly Standup Template!standup SpellingApparentlyApparantly → ApparentlyApparantlyCalendarCalender → CalendarCalenderDefinitelyDefinately → DefinitelyDefinatelyEnvironmentEnviroment → EnvironmentEnviromentFluorescentFlorescent → FluorescentFlorescentGovernmentGoverment → GovernmentGoverment Currency£Sterling!gbp€Euro!eur¥Yen!yen$Dollar!usd₹Indian Rupee!inr₣Franc!fr₩Won!krw₱Peso!php₦Naira!ngn฿Baht!thb₫Dong!vnd₿Bitcoin!btcΞEthereum!eth Codingconsole.log({cursor})Console Log!logtry { {cursor} } catch (error) { } finally { }Try Catch!tryswitch ({cursor}) { case 'value': { break } default: { break } }Switch Statement!switchconst sleep = (time = 3000) => new Promise (resolve => setTimeout (resolve, time));Sleep Promise!sleepReact.useEffect(() => { {cursor} }, [])React: useEffect!rue<script lang="ts" setup> {cursor} </script> <template> <div> <h1>Vue Component</h1> </div> </template> <style lang="scss" scoped> </style>Vue: Base Single File Component!vbase{#if {cursor}} {/if}Svelte: If Block!sif{#if {cursor}} {:else} {/if}Svelte: If Else Block!selse{#each {cursor} as item} {/each}Svelte: Each Block!seach{#await {cursor}} {#then thing} {/then} {#catch error} {/catch} {/await}Svelte: Await Block!sawaitexport default function Command() { return {cursor} }Raycast View Command!ray-vcexport function Component() { return null }Export Functional Component!rfc.selector { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; }CSS Center Align!css-acmkdir {clipboard} && code -r {clipboard}Create and Open Folder in VSCode!vscd-initdocument.querySelector({cursor})DOM Query Selector!qs FeedbackHi 👋 Thanks for taking the time to give us your feedback. {cursor}Feedback Thanks!feedback-thanksGlad to know it is resolved. Feel free to reach out for any further clarifications.Feedback Resolved!feedback-resolvedHey {cursor}, I'm thrilled about the opportunity. Unfortunately, I'm currently not available to accept new offers. However, I hope we can stay connected for future positions if you don't mind. Thank you again and hope to talk to you soon.LinkedIn Feedback!feedback-lkdn GitHub## Expected Behavior ## Actual Behavior ## Steps to Reproduce the Problem 1. 1. 1. ## Specifications - Version: - Platform: - Subsystem: GitHub Issue Templ

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