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The Brooklyn Rail is a journal committed to providing an independent forum for visual arts, culture, and politics throughout New York City and beyond.

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The Brooklyn RailThe Brooklyn Rail Critical Perspectives on Art, Politics and CultureSept 2024Brooklynrail LogoAboutEventsNewsletterSubscribeShopDonateLoading...Issue HomeArtCritics PageIn MemoriamArtSeen1x1BooksMusicDanceFilmTheaterFictionPoetryArt BooksField NotesArchitectureRailing OpinionDispatchesArt and TechnologyIn TranslationTable of ContentsSearch View ArchiveCHARLES ROSS with Michael StrausArtIn Conversation2CHARLES ROSS with Michael StrausCharles Ross is a pioneering member of a group of artists generally based in the West who explore light-driven relationships between objects and our perception, sometimes working in such varied media as acrylic and epoxy, sometimes utilizing utilitarian materials such as neon or fluorescent lights, and sometimes relying on the very movements of the Earth and the stars.  But he also engages in a particularly unique way with the land itself, literally, as he says, “entering the Earth in order to reach the stars.” ArtIn Conversation3GEORGES ADÉAGBO with Toby KampsBeninese artist Georges Adéagbo’s new installation at the Hamburger Kunsthalle presents a wildly kaleidoscopic vision of the search for understanding—of history, culture, and self. Inspired by maverick German art historian Aby Warburg’s investigations of how tragedies and triumphs resonate in art and popular culture from antiquity to the modern era, it considers a multitude of complex, still-unfolding stories.ArtIn Conversation4MATT DILLON with Phong H. BuiOn the occasion of his first solo exhibit, Rascals and Saints, at Ruttkowski;68 in Paris, I paid Matt a lengthy visit to his Upper West Side studio in late July to see what he was making, then Matt came to Rail headquarters in mid-August to have this lengthy conversation about his life and work as an artist of all colors.ArtIn Conversation5ALEXANDRE LENOIR with Charles M. SchultzAlexandre Lenoir (b.1992) is a French painter with studios in Paris and Brooklyn. Over several years he’s developed a particular system for making paintings that is based on sets of instructions, or “protocols,” as Lenoir has come to call them. Every painting has a unique set of protocols, which are carried out by assistants. And the protocols make room for interpretation, even improvisation. The question is whether works of art can occur as a result of people living and working within Lenoir’s system. His paintings are the answer.From the Publisher & Artistic Director1Dear Friends and ReadersBy Phong Bui We human beings, who inhabit seven continents across the world, stretching across Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, and Australia, with a total population of 8.2 billion, have always to some extent have accepted the fact that accidents, also known as asymmetrical occurrences, are abundant and real.Editor's Message6Abstraction NowBy Phyllis Tuchman How are artists, curators, and historians thinking about the condition of abstraction in contemporary art? The question has an evergreen quality, and the answer can never be singular. In the winter of 1968 Irving Sandler and Barbara Rose sent a questionnaire to their peers, asking them to comment on the “sensibility of the times.” They were especially curious to learn what was considered to be avant-garde, and how the definition might have shifted. Inspired by their collaborative effort and community spirit, Phyllis Tuchman organized the September Critics Page with the assistance of Charles Schultz as a way of marking the moment again.Critics Page7Pepe Karmel8Maja Ruznic9Tariku Shiferaw10Phyllis Tuchman11Andrew Woolbright12Liz Deschenes13Jack FlamArtSeen45Frank Stella at Jeffrey Deitch, Yares Art, And Nowhere – By Richard Shiff46LaToya Ruby Frazier: Monuments of Solidarity – By Kamora Monroe47Marcus Jahmal: Higher Animals – By Amanda Millet-Sorsa48Donald Moffett: Nature Cult, Seeded – By Chris Crosman49Walton Ford: Birds and Beasts of the Studio – By Joseph Akel50Displacement – By Hovey Brock51Crafting the Ballets Russes – By William Corwin52Teresita Fernández & Robert Smithson – By Matthew Erickson53Joel Shapiro: Gouaches and Reliefs 1978–83 – By Ekin Erkan54Elfie Semotan and Nina Hollein: Inspiration Comes from Everyday Life – By Ekin Erkan55Sean Scully: Procession – By Natalia Gierowska56Flora Yukhnovich and François Boucher: The Language of the Rococo – By Amanda Gluibizzi57Antikstübchen Nachwort – By Pamela Kort58Sixties Synchronicities – By Catherine Monroy59David-Jeremiah: I Drive Thee – By Amber Jamilla Musser60Andrew Cranston: One day this will be a long time ago – By Terry R. Myers61Galli: See How You Get On – By Benjamin Paul62Paula Modersohn-Becker: Ich Bin Ich / I Am Me – By Cynthia Payne63Allison Katz: In the House of the Trembling Eye – By Suzanne Hudson64Graciela Iturbide: Shadowlines – By Bartolomeo Sala65Al Held: About Space – By Alex Bacon66Carla Accardi – By Lyle Rexer67Ernest Cole: House of Bondage – By Bartolomeo Sala68Alice Maher and Rachel Fallon: The Map – By Rebecca Schiffman69K

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