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Student Privacy and Storyboard That: This is an addendum to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy that only applies for our educational edition.
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Privacy for Students | FERPA, CCPA, COPPA, & GDPR Compliant Resources Pricing Create a Storyboard My Storyboards Log In / Register Student Privacy and Storyboard That This is an addendum to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy that only apply for our educational edition. Learn about our educational edition. We are constantly looking to improve our policies. Please contact us at [email protected] if you feel we need further clarification, or are missing something. Although no system is 100% perfect, we have designed our system and taken reasonable precautions and then some to follow these policies to address concerns of FERPA, CCPA, GDPR, and COPPA. We have also signed the Student Privacy Pledge. NEED A PRIVACY POLICY SIGNED? We understand schools and districts regularly require custom data sharing. data privacy agreements, and Ed-2D signed. Reach out to us at [email protected] to start the process Click Here to Email Storyboard That Table of Contents Our Business Model Contacting Us Personally Identifiable Information (PII) How is PII Used User Names Storyboards, User Generated Content and Privacy Rostering Data Policies Downloading Storyboards Disclosing Data Reviewing PII Transferring Data Data Ownership Deleting Your Data Backup Exception Data Breach Our Promises IT Security and Data Storage Practices State Specific California and SOPIPA Connecticut Illinois (Illinois Student Online Personal Protection Act) New York (Ed 2D) Washington State European Union Specific Our Business Model Our business model in the education space is to provide an amazing product leveraging the power of digital storytelling to positively improve Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity. We sell this product directly to teachers and schools, and all of our marketing efforts are centered on this objective. We do not market to kids and students, since they are not a target purchaser and as a result we have no need to collect, mine, or advertise to them. We do not show any advertisements within the educational version to students. In order to provide recommended resources we may look at data a teacher has generated to recommend activities/content to the teacher. An example would be if we detect a teacher is teaching Romeo and Juliet, we might recommend other activities for Shakespeare. This is only internal to Storyboard That, and not based on any student data, and designed specifically for the tea
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