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Rector - Automated Way to Instantly Upgrade and Refactor any PHP code

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We help you Reduce Costs and Erase Technical Debt | Rector - Automated Way to Instantly Upgrade and Refactor any PHP code Try Rector Hire Team Find Rule NEW Play & Learn NEW Contact Blog Docs We help you Reduce Costs and Erase Technical Debt Your project is a success, but your technical debt is slowing you down? Our clients used to have similar problem. We help you to cut feature development costs to a fraction and make your team productive and happy again. We build a long-term and reliable relationship with you – our client. Haphazard changes can quickly backfire and introduce regression bugs. That's why we take small, safe, gradual steps to reach our goal. Our cooperation has 2 phases. Phase 1: Intro Analysis In short   We sign NDA, so you're safe with repository share   We deep dive into your codebase   We run automated tools to find spots we'll have to address during the upgrade   We highlight specific weak spots   We deliver a plan detailing upgrade steps   Every phase has a detailed scope and explain its role in the process Delivered in 3 weeks   One time charge of 6 000-8 000 € In the first meeting, you'll tell us about you problems, state of your project and your goals. We want to make sure we are able to help you within your time and budget constraints. We do that by doing and "intro analysis" of your project. That means we look into your codebase, where we explore the weak spots that would complicate the process. We sign an NDA, so your project is safe with us. After you share a Git repository with us, we measure project size and comlexity, and give you intro analysis quota – a one-time charge that ranges 6 000-8 000 €. After we confirm the price, we send you an invoice. Upon the payment we start to work on the intro analysis. Result of this phase is a PDF report with timeline and step-by-step process tailored to your project. To give you an idea about the contents of intro analysis, we prepared a demo intro analysis. After we deliver the intro analysis in PDF, you can explore the plan with your team. Then we'll have a call about next steps. We agree on the best place to start and move to the 2nd phase. Phase 2: Hands-on Upgrade In short   We handle full project upgrade

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