- Laravel Shift - the automated way to upgrade Laravel applications

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Laravel Shift - the automated way to upgrade Laravel applications. Upgrade Laravel applications all the way from Laravel 4.2 to the latest version of Laravel.

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Laravel Shift - the automated way to upgrade Laravel applications Run Shift Instant,automatedLaravelupgrades. You have better things to do than upgrade Laravel. Let bots do all the shifty work for you. 1 with GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab 2 Enter your repository details 3 Receive a PR for review Upgrade from Laravel4.2 Laravel5.0 Laravel5.1 to Laravel10.x Laravel11.x “ If you're running an oldversion of Laravel, this isthe fastest way to upgrade. ” Taylor Otwell Creator of Laravel Sure you could upgrademanually, but... You often delay doing the upgrade Shift will open a PR with nice, atomic commits for you to review in just a few clicks. You only do the minimum changes Shift goes above and beyond the Upgrade Guide, automating even the smallest changes. You end up in dependency hell Shift bumps dependencies for core packages and popular community packages too. You miss something that costs hours Shift leaves detailed comments about changes catered for your app. You don't take the opportunity to refactor

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