www.spacex.com - - SpaceX - Launches

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Site Description

SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft. The company was founded in 2002 to revolutionize space technology, with the ultimate goal of enabling people to live on other planets.

Example Site Content

- SpaceX - Launches SpaceX Logo Falcon 9 Falcon Heavy Dragon Starship Human Spaceflight Rideshare Starshield Starlink Shop Falcon 9 Falcon Heavy Dragon Starship Human Spaceflight Rideshare Starshield Starlink Mission Launches Careers Updates Shop 01. DEPARTURE 02. PHASING BURNS 03. TRUNK JETTISON 04. DEORBIT BURN 05. RE ENTRY 06. PARACHUTES DEPLOY 07. SPLASHDOWN 01 THRUSTER BURN THRUSTER BURN 02 03 03 01. LIFTOFF 02. ORBIT ACTIVATION 03. PHASING BURNS 04. APPROACH INITIATION 05. PROXIMITY OPERATION 06. DOCKING & PRESSURIZATION To The space station On its flight to the International Space Station, Dragon executes a series of burns that position the vehicle progressively closer to the station before it performs final docking maneuvers, followed by pressurization of

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