www.eveechoes.com - EVE Echoes, the spaceship sandbox MMO on mobile

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Site Description

EVE Echoes is a next-gen mobile spaceship MMO game based upon hallmark EVE Online design principles. In EVE Echoes, players will be able to forge their own path to glory within a massive space sandbox environment, forming alliances with other pilots from across the galaxy to shape the game's persistent universe.

Example Site Content

EVE Echoes, the spaceship sandbox MMO on mobile EVE Echoes, the spaceship sandbox MMO on mobile A new immersive space sandbox MMO, bringing the authentic EVE Online experience to mobile. EVE Echoes, the spaceship sandbox MMO on mobile HOME NEWS FAQ CONTENT CREATORS PROGRAM PROJECT DISCOVERY STARFARING FESTIVAL En Amarr, a theocratic society ruled by the Amarr Empress, is the largest and oldest empire in New Eden. The Amarr are generally highly educated, devoutly religious, and are ruled by an authoritarian nobility. Despite the setbacks they have encountered in recent history, the Amarr still boast the most socially stable empire and the most powerful military. Freedom comes above all else in the eyes of the Gallente, who have contributed to human society with a group of the most outstanding leaders, scientists, and businessmen in modern history. The Gallente Federation welcomes immigrants more than any other empire – the huge demand for labor, diverse cultural atmosphere, and humane immigration policies attract people of all ethnicities, beliefs, and skin colors. The Minmatar Republic was founded more than a century ago in the Great Rebellion, supported by the Gallente Federation. Only a quarter of all Minmatar live in the Republic, and the rest are scattered across all corners of New Eden, many still living under subjugation by the Amarr. Today, the Minmatar Republic is an empire with a strongly nomadic culture. The Caldari State was founded on the tenets of patriotism and hard work. With these ideals as their guiding principles, its early leaders fought hard to achieve greatness. Today, the Caldari State has become a powerful corporate dictatorship. Ruthless and efficient in the boardroom as well as on the battlefield, the Caldari are living emblems of strength, persistence, and dignity. The Amarr, known for their heavy artillery expertise, favor the strategy of laying down overwhelming firepower upon their foes. Their ships might be slow, but they are armed to the teeth, with hard armor to match. The Amarr also possess highly advanced laser weapon technology. They are extremely proficient with lasers that deal high EM and thermal damage, allowing them to penetrate enemies' shields with ease. The Amarr never spare any expense when it comes to covering their ships with decorative gold plating, making any Amarr fleet a shining golden beacon amidst the darkness of space. A long time ago, a Gallente company named CreoDron made great strides in drone technology. Though they started out as a support system, drones quickly became the primary consideration of ship design in the Gallente Federation, and a series of drone carrier ships were developed with these armed robots as their main weapons. The Gallente Federation, like the Caldari State, possesses railgun technology. The Gallente have little concern for their ships' mobility, and place more faith in the defensive utility of armor than in that of shields. Minmatar ships are simple and rugged by design. Their unique structure and large-caliber cannons are the result of their pursuit of speed and firepower. But the Minmatar also value diversity in their ships, which is why missiles and drones are also commonly seen among their weapons. Though they may be crude in appearance, none can doubt the combat abilities of Minmatar ships. The Caldari State is well known for its very advanced manufacturing industry. Their high-level ship technology allows the Calda

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