- ispace-EUROPE announces Completion of First European Designed, Manufactured, and Assembled Lunar Micro Rover | ispace

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Ispace is a private lunar robotic exploration company that is developing micro-robotic technology to provide a low-cost and frequent transportation service to and on the Moon, conduct lunar surface exploration to map, process and deliver resources to our customers in cislunar space.

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ispace-EUROPE announces Completion of First European Designed, Manufactured, and Assembled Lunar Micro Rover | ispace HAKUTO-R About Us Missions Services & Spacecraft IR News Region Japan Europe United States JP / EN Careers Contact Us HAKUTO-R About Us Missions Services & Spacecraft IR News Region Japan Europe United States Careers Contact Us JP / EN News ispace-EUROPE announces Completion of First European Designed, Manufactured, and Assembled Lunar Micro Rover 25 Jul, 2024 Micro Rover named “TENACIOUS” scheduled to fly on RESILIENCE Lander for Mission 2LUXEMBOURG – July 25, 2024 – ispace EUROPE S.A. (ispace-EUROPE), the Luxembourg-based subsidiary of ispace, inc. (ispace)(TOKYO: 9348) announced today that the flight model of its European designed, manufactured, and assembled lunar micro rover has been completed and is being prepared for delivery to Japan for integration into the HAKUTO-R Mission 2 RESILIENCE lunar lander.The announcement was made today by Julien Lamamy, CEO of ispace-Europe at a press conference in Luxembourg, attended by Lex Delles, Luxembourg’s Minister of the Economy, SME, Energy and Tourism; Tadahiro Matsubara, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan in Luxembourg; Mathias Link, Deputy CEO of the Luxembourg Space Agency; and Atsushi Saiki, CRO of ispace, inc.A TENACIOUS European-built RoverA photo of the flight model of the TENACIOUS lunar micro rover.The lunar micro rover was designed, manufactured, and assembled with co-funding from the Luxembourg Space Agency through a European Space Agency contract with the Luxembourg National Space Programme, LuxIMPUL

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