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Consumer Action - California Privacy Initiative English Español 中文 한국어 Tiếng Việt Home Home Date Archives Popularity Archives Publication Archive Headline Archive Survey Archive About About Mission What We Do Projects Partnerships Staff Board of Directors CAB History Contact Press Press Press Releases News Headlines Media Inquiries Join Press List Outreach Outreach Our Events Best Practices Training Tools Our Network Webinars Alerts Coalitions Support Support Donate Publications Publications English Spanish Chinese Korean Vietnamese Other Languages How to Order Newsletters Newsletters Consumer Action News Consumer Action Insider Scam Gram Help Desk Help Desk FAQs Consumer Resources Consumer Service Guide (CSG) Alerts   California Privacy Initiative The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) gives people living in the state important rights, including the right to see the personal information businesses have collected about them, the right to delete some of that information, and the right to ask businesses not to sell it. The materials produced by Consumer Action and Consumer Federation of America (CFA) as part of their California Privacy Initiative are designed to help consumers learn about and exercise their CCPA rights. (Support provided by the Rose Foundation.)   Publication List Take action! Exercise your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act This guide explains who and what is covered by the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), describes how you can exercise your rights, and offers tips for protecting your personal data. It has been updated to reflect changes in the law that took effect on Jan. 1, 2023. Click here for a condensed version of the guide. Press release: Survey shows Californians are still unaware of privacy rights Consumer Action and Consumer Federation of America announce in this press release the launch of their California Privacy Initiative, a project supported by the Rose Foundation, and aimed at educating Californians about the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and encouraging them to exercise their CCPA rights. Executive Summary: Survey Shows Too Many Californians Are Still Unaware of Privacy Rights This brief report highlights the key takeaways from of a survey of 1,507 California adults regarding their awareness of and experience with some key provisions of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Survey Report: Too Many Californians Are Still Unaware of Privacy Rights A survey of 1,507 California adults revealed that many Californians are unaware of their rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), while others found that exercising their rights was too complicated, or they were not entirely satisfied with businesses’ responses. This report lays out the revealing results of this survey, commissioned by Consumer Action and Consumer Federation of America (CFA) as part of their California Privacy Initiative. CCPA privacy survey results at a glance Major findings from the from a survey of 1,507 California adults regarding their awareness of and experience with some key provisions of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Take action! Exercise your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (Spanish) Esta guía explica a quién y qué cubre la ley California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), describe cómo puede ejercer sus derechos, y ofrece consejos para mantener sus datos personales protegidos. La guía actualizada incluye los cambios de la ley que entraron en vigor el 1 de enero de 2023. Haga clic aquí para leer la versión abreviada de la guía.

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