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his research emphasizes the need to consider these people’s roles in fashion marketing and advertising and the significant effect that fashion bloggers and influencers have on consumer behavior.
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The Influence of Fashion Bloggers and Influencers on Consumer Behavior: Examination of the Impact that Fashion Bloggers and Influencers have on Consumers' Purchasing Decisions, Brand Perception, and Personal Style Academies Journals Matrix Proceedings Guidelines Editorial Policy Guidelines & Resources Formatting Guidelines Submission Instructions About Us Newsletters Contact Member Services Academy Membership Bookstore Related Links Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678) Home Editorial Board Guidelines Author Guidelines Aim & Scope Peer Review Process Publication Ethics & Malpractice Statement Formatting Guidelines Policies and Ethics Submit Manuscript Articles In Press Current Issue Volume Selector Indexing and Archiving Awards & Nominations Research Article: 2023 Vol: 27 Issue: 5S The Influence of Fashion Bloggers and Influencers on Consumer Behavior: Examination of the Impact that Fashion Bloggers and Influencers have on Consumers' Purchasing Decisions, Brand Perception, and Personal Style Ketan Dhillon, National Institute of Fashion Technology, Panchkula, Haryana, India Citation Information: Dhillon, K. (2023). The influence of fashion bloggers and influencers on consumer behavior: examination of the impact that fashion bloggers and influencers have on consumers' purchasing decisions, brand perception, and personal style. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 27(S5), 1-9. Abstract This research investigates how fashion influencers and bloggers affect customer behavior. Samples of 500 people who follow fashion bloggers and influencers on social media were given a survey questionnaire. The survey asked how fashion bloggers and influencers affected consumers’ shopping choices, brand awareness, and fashion preferences. 75% of respondents said that they bought a product after seeing it on a fashion blogger or influencer’s social media account, proving that fashion bloggers and influencers significantly impact consumer behavior, additionally, the findings demonstrated that keeping up with fashion bloggers and influencers raises brand awareness, with 80% of respondents saying they had discovered new companies on social media. The findings also showed that fashion bloggers and influencers significantly affect fashion tastes, with 70% of respondents saying that they had altered their fashion preferences or style as a consequence of advice from fashion bloggers and influencers. This research emphasizes the need to consider these people’s roles in fashion marketing and advertising and the significant effect that fashion bloggers and influencers have on consumer behavior. Keywords Fashion Bloggers, Consumer Behavior, Fashion Management Etc. Introduction Fashion influencers and bloggers have grown in popularity in recent years, and many people now look to them for fashion advice and inspiration. These bloggers and influencers now have a platform to interact with a broad audience and share their fashion knowledge, thanks to the growth of social media. However, it is still being determined exactly how these people affect consumer behavior. This research investigates how fashion influencers and bloggers affect customer behavior, including buying choices, brand awareness, and fashion preferences. The fashion industry has long acknowledged the importance of celebrity endorsements and influencer marketing, and this study expands this area of research to include fashion bloggers and influencers. Understanding how these people affect customer behavior is vital, given the growing significance of social media in the fashion business. The results of this research will help the fashion industry’s marketing plans and provide insightful information on fashion blogger’s and other influencer’s effects on customer behavior. This research will use a survey questionnaire to collect information from a sample of people who follow fashion bloggers and influencers on social media (Belanche et al., 2021). The findings of this study will add to the body of knowledge on how influencer marketing affects customer behavior and provide the groundwork for further study in this field. Methods The study was conducted using a questionnaire distributed to a sample from a population of individuals who follow fashion bloggers and influencers on social media. The survey questionnaire include questions about the influence of fashion bloggers and influencers on consumer behavior, such as purchasing decisions, brand awareness, and fashion preferences (Jacobson and Harrison, 2022). The survey data was collected using online and analyzed using statistical software. The questionnaire consisted of 25 questions, including both multiple-choice and open ended questions. The multiple-choice questions were used to gather quantitative data on the influence of fashion bloggers and influencers on cons
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