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Imprint of the magnetic activity cycle on solar asteroseismic characterisation based on 26 years of GOLF and BiSON data | Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A) Journals Books Conferences 0 Subscriber Authentication Point Sign in with login/password Your subscription EDPS Account Login All volumesFor authors Search Menu About A&A Aims and scopeHistoryEditors of A&ABoard of DirectorsIndexed inCopyrightA&A leaflet (PDF)A&A S2O leaflet (PDF)MastheadBrowse articles All volumesSpecial issuesForthcomingHighlightsPress releasesFor authorsAuthor information Paper organizationNews from the Editorial OfficePage chargesAcceptance stageProduction stageCopyrightOpen AccessAuthor's guide (PDF)Language editing 1. Introduction2. Main guidelines for A&A style3. General structure4. UK versus US spelling and grammar5. Punctuation and style concerns regarding equations, figures, tables, and footnotes6. Verb tenses7. General hyphenation guide8. Common editing issues9. Measurements and their descriptions10. Suggested resources for more tips on language editing in the sciencesFull Guide (PDF file)LaTeX issues TeXnical background information The preamble of your TEX fileThe manuscript headerIncluding author names using non-Roman alphabetsThe main textFiguresTablesMultimedia References TypographyAppendices Astronomical objects: linking to databases LaTeX examplesInformation filesWriting studioSubmit an articleSubscriber informationSubscribe to Open (S2O) FAQsReader's servicesNews Access by volume/page Advanced Search Home All issues Volume 688 (August 2024) A&A, 688 (2024) L17 Full HTML About A&A Aims and scopeHistoryEditors of A&ABoard of DirectorsIndexed inCopyrightA&A leaflet (PDF)A&A S2O leaflet (PDF)MastheadBrowse articles All volumesSpecial issuesForthcomingHighlightsPress releasesFor authorsAuthor information Paper organizationNews from the Editorial OfficePage chargesAcceptance stageProduction stageCopyrightOpen AccessAuthor's guide (PDF)Language editing 1. Introduction2. Main guidelines for A&A style3. General structure4. UK versus US spelling and grammar5. Punctuation and style concerns regarding equations, figures, tables, and footnotes6. Verb
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