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life as seen by me | how my mind works???? Skip to primary contentSkip to secondary content life as seen by me how my mind works???? Search Main menu Homebeen 30 Freedom Restless Waters In the Bay the wolf with the yellow eyes Post navigation ← Older posts more of Snoop E & looking up Posted on July 10, 2016 by Em Well 1 Who? Me? Looking Up at You?                   Birds tend to hypnotize me Who? me? birds have a hypnotizing effect on me Posted in Photo Challenge | Tagged birds, dogs, family, humor, hyponosis, life, love, obsessive, photo challenge, real life, rescue dog, Snoop E, Snoopy, weekly photo challenge | 1 Reply what’s up? look. squirrel Posted on July 9, 2016 by Em Well 3 we never would have known what was up had what was up not been so chatty.    and SnoopE is back Posted in Photo Challenge | Tagged dog, look up, obsessive, photo challenge, Snoop E, squirrel, weekly photo challenge | 3 Replies purple opposites Posted on July 3, 2016 by Em Well 1 Left Right Left Left Right Left opposites !!!!  unite !!!!         Posted in Photo Challenge | Tagged asics, distraction, feet, humor, legs, life, obsession, obsessive, photo challenge, purple, sneakers, socks, weekly photo challenge | 1 Reply partners in everything Posted on June 26, 2016 by Em Well 5 it took a few days for me to figure out what to do with this partners challenge. I absolutely love the word ‘partner’.  I use it in place of husband a lot. Just something I have to do????????????????  he is my partner/spouse/husband/cook/bestfriend.  then I thought Jax and I make darn good partners.  He is half deaf, I am half blind.  It just works.  But I needed better than one of us. Plus a photo of us would end up being a selfie and I am not ready for that.  Snoop E may post selfies.  I may not. then it came to me.  I had 2 very cool partners in my life for over 14 years.  They were the Beagle Brothers.  and boy were they ever great partners.  their partnership started early.  they were from the same litter. September 28th 1999. I only remember this as it just happens to be my Babca’s birthday as well, but she was born in 1907. So, enter our beagle partners/kids/brothers/troubletimes2/Boys NOT my Picture, but helped tell the story       Posted in Photo Challenge, Relationships | Tagged beagles, dog, family, Friends, friendship, heaven, life, photo challenge, Rainbow Bridge, real life | 5 Replies I see !!!! Icey Posted on June 23, 2016 by Em Well 4 The first time I was asked, “what is different about you since you quit smoking?”  I was asked this question during an interview for a documentary on using mindfulness to relieve oneself of addiction.  My first thought was, “I am a nicer person.” Being interviewed by a professional interviewer type person, that answer was so not going to be enough. I continued on with, “i am able and willing to see other people better or clearer even.  i am more aware of how others might be feeling or what they could be thinking.” Stay Tuned on July 4th. link available July5th I can see that the way others react or act is not a reflection on me.  maybe they just stubbed their toe 2 minutes before seeing me and it still stings.  the way i interact with other people is what matters. So, I quit smoking.  I have done it using a mindfulness app I ‘accidentally stumbled upon’.  I knew I had to/wanted to/needed to quit. I was in a fog wondering  how to go about it.  then One thing happened that led to another. that thing appeared to lead to another thing which led to another then another and another.  Today I am smoke free and grateful. I feel as though I have somehow moved from using Mindfulness practice to quit smoking to  Mindful Living. This was not My Plan. My Plan was to use Mindfulness in an attempt to better control the ever powerful a

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