- The Secret Sandbox – What are the differences between men and women?

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My goal in creating this page is to quantify, in a very basic way, the equality between men and women in the world. This is a critical topic in society and is debated regularly by people around the world, which is why I thought it would be a good idea to create this page, to…

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The Secret Sandbox – What are the differences between men and women? Skip to content The Secret Sandbox What are the differences between men and women? Women VS Men Statistics Physical Differences Business Differences Mental health differences Career Differences Crime and Punishment Differences Education Differences Relationship Differences The Top 10 Most Popular Statistics Men vs Women Downloadable Quiz Women VS Men Statistics My goal in creating this page is to quantify, in a very basic way, the equality between men and women in the world. This is a critical topic in society and is debated regularly by people around the world, which is why I thought it would be a good idea to create this page, to help put statistics and facts more into the debate, rather than just opinions. Of course, the equality between women and men around the world is different depending on where you are, so please take the statistics used as fact but not as something that represents the world as a whole – all research has its flaws. Below I have started collecting statistics for both men and women, and based on comparing those statistics, choosing who wins. There are so many categories to go through, so the scores for each side will change over time. Every statistic I have collected is below here. Click below to find out more about each: Below I have put all the statistics into a table, with links, so you can quickly look through them. Women Men Who gets more time in prison for custodial sentences? Women Men Who earns more money regardless of their job? Women Men Who gets more time offer after the birth of their child? Women Men Who switches jobs more often? Women Men Who has more jobs in their career? Women Men Who is more likely to attempt suicide? Women Men who is more likely to die by suicide? Women Men Who is more likely to self-harm? Women Men Who is more likely to suffer from mental illness? Women Men Who is more likely to cheat on their partner? Women Men Who has a longer life expectancy? Women Men Who works more hours? Women Men Who does better in school? Women Men Who has a higher IQ? Women Men Who has a higher EQ? Women Men Who is taller? Women Men Who is more likely to drop out of University? Women Men Who gets better grades at University? Women Men Who is more likely to attend University? Women Men Who benefits more from going to University? Women Men who has a larger carbon footprint? Women Men Who is more likely to be vegan? Women Men Who is more likely to be vegetarian? Women Men Who is more likely to be the victim of violent crime? Women Men Who is more likely to be a victim of rape? Women Men Who commits more crimes? Women Men Who has a higher sex drive? Women Men Who is more likely to identify as gay or lesbian? Women Men Who is more likely to identify as bisexual? Women Men Who is there more of? Women Men Who is more likely to be overweight? Women Men Who is more likely to be obese? Women Men Who has more body fat? Women Men Who is more likely to have a disability? Women Men Who has a higher muscle mass? Women Men Who is more likely to abuse substances? Women Men Who is more likely to use marijuana? Women Men Who watches more TV? Women Men Who plays more video games? Women Men Who is more likely to travel for business? Women Men Who is more likely to travel alone? Women Men Who travels more for the scenery? Women Men When travelling for business, who is more likely to own that business? Women Men Who is more likely to own a cat? Women Men Who is more likely to own a dog? Women Men Who is more affected by a breakup? Women Men Who is more likely to end a long-term relationship? Women Men Who is more likely to start their own business alone? Women Men Who has more business experience when starting a business? Women Men Who has more professional experience when starting a business? Women Men Who is more confident in their business’s success? Women Men Who is more likely to be a plumber? Women Men Who is more likely to be a doctor? Women Men Who is more likely to be a recruiter? Women Men Who’s art sells for more money, men or women? Women

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