www.geocod.io - Geocodio API Reference

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Use our simple API to convert street addresses into latitude/longitude or coordinates to street addresses. Add Congressional districts, census data, timezones, and more.

Example Site Content

Geocodio API Reference NAV backgroundLayer 1 Shell Ruby Python PHP Node Clojure Introduction Libraries Official libraries Third-party libraries Authentication Permissions Overview Geocoding Single address Batch geocoding Reverse Geocoding Reverse geocoding single coordinate Batch reverse geocoding Geocoding lists Create a new list See list status Show all lists Download a list Delete a list Fields Congressional Districts State Legislative Districts School Districts Census Block/Tract, FIPS codes & MSA/CSA codes Census ACS (American Community Survey) Demographics (Census) Economics: Income Data (Census) Families (Census) Housing (Census) Social: Education & Veteran Status (Census) USPS ZIP+4 Riding: Canadian Federal Electoral District Riding: Canadian Provincial Electoral District Canadian statistical boundaries from Statistics Canada Timezone Address components Accuracy score Forward geocoding Reverse geocoding Address formats Intersections Errors Warnings Client-side access Changelog v1.7 v1.6 v1.5 v1.4 v1.3 v1.2 v1.1 Contact & Support Sign Up for an API Key Terms of Use OpenAPI Spec Introduction Geocodio's RESTful API allows you to perform forward and reverse geocoding lookups. We support both batch requests as well as individual lookups. You can also optionally ask for data appends such as timezone, Congressional districts or similar things of that nature. The base API url is https://api.geocod.io/v1.7/. All HTTP responses (including errors) are returned with JSON-formatted output. We may add additional properties to the output in the future, but existing properties will never be changed or removed without a new API version release. Note the versioning prefix i

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