go.adr.org - AAA Healthcare

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The healthcare industry's leading provider of dispute resolution.

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The healthcare industry's leading provider of dispute resolution.

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AAA Healthcare AAA Healthcare ADR Clauses AAA Healthcare Panel AAA Healthcare Rules Data + Insights Choosing AAA® for Healthcare Industry Disputes: Expertise, Specialization and Experience Resolve your healthcare disputes fairly, efficiently, and cost-effectively. AAA offers  a panel of seasoned professionals, specialized rules, and the case management expertise to find solutions that work for everyone. Contact us today and discover how we can help you get back to what matters most: delivering quality healthcare. $1.4B Claims & counterclaims in 2022 260 Neutrals with significant healthcare dispute experience 79% Cases settled prior to award saving time and money 97+  Years of experience resolving disputes Drafting Fair and Effective ADR Clauses Writing an effective, fair arbitration clause can make all the difference, keeping cases manageable and saving you time—and money. Visit our healthcare clause guide with specific examples, options, and comparisons drawn from our years of expertise. Compare ADR Clauses A Healthcare Panel of Practicing Experts

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