- Europa Web Guide - European Commission
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Rules and guidelines that apply to European Commission websites, covering editorial, legal, technical, visual and contractual aspects.
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Europa Web Guide - European Commission Skip to main content enenSelect your languagebgбългарскиesespañolcsčeštinadadanskdeDeutscheteestielελληνικάenEnglishfrfrançaisgaGaeilgehrhrvatskiititalianolvlatviešultlietuviųhumagyarmtMaltinlNederlandsplpolskiptportuguêsroromânăskslovenčinaslslovenščinafisuomisvsvenska Search Search HomeResources for partnersEuropa Web GuideEuropa Web GuideRules and guidelines that apply to European Commission websites, covering editorial, legal, technical, visual and contractual aspects. All European Commission websites must comply with the rules and follow the guidelines hereby.Web practitioners are invited to consult its content regularly and keep abreast of updates.Pages comprising "EU login required" in their title are restricted to Commission services and their internal contractors. More information about the web guide. Governance of the Europa Domain Europa domain and subdomainsEuropa domain and subdomains overviewGovernance bodies (EU Login required)Content moderation on the Europa domainThe inter-institutional EU websiteThe inter-institutional site ( is the official website of the European Union. It is a good starting point if you are looking for information and services provided by the EU but you don't know your way around our sites.The European Commission websitesEuropean Commission websites overviewEC branded websitesEU branded websites Planning your web presence Define and planRequests procedureURLs and redirectsFramework contractsWebsite and content revamping Repatriation processUser researchUsability testingUser experienceArchitecture and navigationStructuring information to make it findableTask-based information architectureNavigation systemNames and labelsArchitecture building and testing methodsRole of searchEC branded websites top-level architecture: the 15 classesVocabularies and taxonomies Design, content and development DesignWeb design principlesLogos and iconsRules and guidelines per site typeEuropa Component LibraryAccessibilityWhat is accessibility?Web Accessibility Action Plan 2022–2025Testing early and regularlyComplaints and feedback mechanismAccessibility statementList of accessibility correspondentsContentPage layouts and componentsTypes of contentEditorial style and policyWeb writing guidelinesLanguage coverage policyEasy-to-read contentPrivacy, security and legal noticesData ProtectionIntellectual property rightsLegal notice and copyrightCookies and similar technologiesSensitive information on Europa websitesUser content moderationEmail display and protection policy on the Europa domain Development platforms, tools and IT standardsCorporate solutionsEuropa Web Publishing PlatformEuropa SearchEmbedded third-party tools and servicesEuropa AnalyticsEuropa WebtoolsEuropa video playerWeb streamingEU LoginCAPTCHAsThird-party platformsTechnical standardsOptimiseSEO overviewHow to optimise your contentMigrating a website with minimal ranking lossOptimising files like PDF, PPT, DOC and XLSLinking strategySearch Engine Marketing or Paid SearchMaintainWeb archivingRedirections Test, monitor, measure and report Monitor and measureMonitoring corporate web compliance The basis for evidence-based decisionsMeasure user experience: the Satisfaction IndexMeasure task performance: completion rateEuropa AnalyticsMonitor web traffic and usage: analytics dataQuality and engagementUsability testingEuropa Inventory - Activity Reports Additional resources Contact usContacts and supportWeb coordinators within DGsSocial mediaUsing social mediaSocial media widgetsForm to open a social media accountEuropean Commission visual identity The visual identity manual presents the visual identity of the European Commission. It establishes the basic principles to be applied to the entire range of communication products.Europa Service catalogueCustomer Relationship ManagementGovernance of the Europa web domainWebsite managementEuropa corporate toolsAbout the Europa Web GuideSummaryGlossary Share this page
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